Beatbox Wiki

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The beatboxing encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

1,286 articles and 18,536 edits since June 19, 2020
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GBB24 First Poster

The Grand Beatbox Battle 2024 (also abbreviated to GBB 2024 or GBB 24) will be the 14th edition of the Grand Beatbox Battle, an international beatboxing competition hosted by Swissbeatbox. The event will take place from November 1–3, 2024 in the Toyosu PIT in Tokyo, Japan, and a 7 to Smoke and afterparty will be held on November 4.

Dlow vs Colaps Original

Beatboxing can be loosely defined as the art of imitating drum pads and other musical sounds using only the human mouth, throat, tongue, and other parts of the vocal tract. This art form has evolved over the years and has grown into a worldwide sensation.

The Beatbox Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia for everything related to beatboxing and the competitive beatboxing scene. It includes information on sounds, beatboxers, events, and much more.

Helping out

Anyone is welcome to contribute information. After creating an account and looking over the Manual of Style, feel free to start editing!

We recommend helping out with Unfinished Pages, Stubs, and Wanted Pages.
Upcoming events

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