Beatbox Wiki

Julard is a French beatboxer.

Part of the New School era, he became the yougest GBB champion of all time, by develloping a unique style, based on a huge power and a clean drum kit, including his iconic Click Roll K-Snare and his Deep teeth roll.


Julard began his beatboxing journey in 2020, competing in online battles. He developed a powerful style, one which he would use live in small local battles. Eventually, he’d compete in the 2022 French Beatbox Championship, where he would rank in the top 8.

He would continue to compete in the following year, developing his power even further. He's considered today as one of the loudest beatboxers on stage, if not the loudest, and achieves this title with clarity and consistency despite being one of the youngest professional competitors. His defining moment would be his grand champion status earned during the Grand Beatbox Battle Under 18 competition in 2023, which uniquely qualified him for the solo category in 2024. Through sheer power, countering ability, and stage presence, he became the youngest GBB winner of all time in 2024.






  • Julard became the youngest beatboxer to win the GBB solo category
  • Julard is largely considered as one of the loudest and most powerful beatboxer of the world, if not the loudest.
  • Julard has the lowest ranking elimination placement of a GBB winner ever, with him ranking 7th out of the 8 participants that moved on to the battles.